Great brewing companion
Fantastic. Versatile, incredibly powerful and feature rich. Not cheap, but well worth it in my opinion--especially given the excellent exporting options.
Didnt quite realize it when I purchased it, but it really is a full featured inventory system, recipe book/designer, brewing journal/batch log, unit converter, and more. It certainly does it all. Overall a great brewing companion.
Couple of issues I wouldnt mind seeing addressed (running on iOS 8 iPhone 6 plus):
• Inventory amounts often incorrectly read as "insufficient" when amounts needed exactly match amounts in inventory
• Cannot re-enter certain "drop down" lists immediately after closing them, without first backing out/returning
It would also be cool to see the addition of hopped malt extracts as well, though I can see why they may have been omitted--not sure how accurate the IBUs could be?
thomas_patrick about
BeerAlchemy Touch 2